Fingerling Potatoes


General Information

Fingerling potatoes are small, stubby, long potatoes, which can be one of a variety of heirloom potato cultivars.  These potatoes should not be confused with new potatoes- they are bred to be small and long when full mature.  Popular fingerling varieties include the yellow-skinned Russian Banana, the red/orange-skinned French fingerling, and the Purple Peruvian.  Due to their size and heirloom status, these potatoes are more expensive than other potato varieties and are commonly either halved and roasted in a side dish or used for salads.

Health Benefits

The nutritional content of fingerling potatoes is similar to other potato varieties. Fingerlings are an excellent source of vitamin B6, also known as pyridoxine. B6 plays many important roles in the body, including the production of red blood cells, liver detoxification, and maintenance of the brain and nervous system. Individuals over the age of 65 often have lower blood levels of vitamin B6, so ensuring adequate intake later in life is essential to maintain health. Fingerling potatoes are also rich in vitamin C, and antioxidant that can bolster immune function and fight against foreign invaders and bacteria.

Storing & Cooking Information

Handling: Wash potatoes. Peel if necessary; remove the “eyes” or green spots.

Storing: Potatoes should be stored at room temperature, away from light.  Refrigerate baby new potatoes if not used within 2-3 days.  Late-season potatoes store well in a cellar once they have been cured: let the skins toughen, otherwise the potatoes could shrivel and become soft shortly after storage. An ideal storage temperature is 45—50 degrees. If the temperature is too high, potatoes tend to soften, shrivel, and sprout. Temperatures that are too low cause the starch in the potatoes to turn to sugar, giving them a sweet taste. Should this happen, hold the potatoes at 70 degrees F for a week or so, and the sugar will convert back to starch, making the potatoes edible again. Potatoes properly stored should last all winter long. It is a good idea to layer the potatoes with newspapers so if one turns bad, it won’t spoil the whole lot.

Freezing: Do not freeze potatoes—they become watery.

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