New Entry's National Incubator Farm Training Initiative (NIFTI) is a backbone organization that provides comprehensive one-on-one technical assistance, educational resources, and professional development opportunities for incubator farm projects around the nation.
Is your Incubator Farm Project in need of Technical Assistance? Fill out an Intake Form! We will get back to you shortly with a follow up email.
NIFTI's services include:
- A dedicated online resource center for incubator farms with document templates, sample curriculum, site management protocols, and much more
- Archived and ongoing in-depth webinar series on topics related to the operations and management of farm incubators
- Personalized, one-on-one technical assistance for your startup or established program from our network of experienced incubator project staff
- Annual “Farm Incubator Field School” bringing together a national “Community of Practice” to learn, network, and problem solve with their peers
- Social networking and collaboration opportunities through our Incubator Farms Listserv, and ongoing administrative support
- National level data gathering and the development of metrics that speak to the impact and outcomes of land-based farm incubators. Take our bi-annual survey to be included (next survey will take place in 2022).
- We host a National Farm Incubator Map-submit your incubator farm information here to be included
Thanks to our generous program sponsors most of NIFTI's services are free of charge, and all others are available on a sliding scale. Contact us with your specific needs and we can discuss options for tailoring your technical assistance.
For more information about New Entry's National Incubator Farm Training Initiative, contact Jennifer Hashley,