Allison Arnold

Ally Arnold, Food Hub Assistant Manager, manages the on-site New Entry Food Hub operations, places weekly orders with farmers, and assists with route-planning. She was integral to the development of this business plan. Throughout her time as Data Analysis Intern, and during the Winter and Spring of 2024, she compiled historical data from past surveys, grant reports, annual reports, and financial documents to tell the story of New Entry Food Hub and make realistic projections for the future. 

She is graduating with her Master’s in Agriculture, Food, and Environment from Tufts University, having worked part-time at New Entry during her studies and full-time during the summer. In 2023, she earned selection for the esteemed Mentor Capital Network, a rigorous mentorship program tailored for aspiring social impact entrepreneurs. Prior to Tufts, she served as Director of Business Development for Valley Roots Food Hub in Colorado, where she learned the inside-out operations of a food hub bringing in over $1 million in revenue with produce, meats, dairy, and value-added products. She has 6 years of experience working for environmental nonprofits in Washington, Colorado, and Massachusetts.