Program Development

Hudson Valley Regional Apprenticeship Program Plan

Resource Type: 

Curriculum, Hosting and Employment, Program Development

This report presents a draft plan for a Hudson Valley-wide farmer apprenticeship program coordinated by the Glynwood Center for Regional Food and Farming in Cold Spring, NY. The program supports host farms to provide robust apprenticeships by offering program structure, direct training, resource coordination and network building for apprentices and for mentors.

Apprenticeship Program Highlights 2017-2019

Resource Type: 

Internship Programs, Program Development, Registered Apprenticeships

Agricultural apprenticeships offer hands-on experiential learning through intensive mentorship to the next generation of farmers and ranchers. New Entry Sustainable Farming Project works to coordinate the Ag Apprenticeship Learning Network (AgALN) to facilitate the growth of more mentorship opportunities to jointly train and support new agrarians. We conduct a yearly survey of apprenticeship programs, and this data represents 45 program responses over three years of reported information (2017, 2018, and 2019).

Supporting Mentors to Teach Next Generation Agrarians - A Farm/Ranch Mentor Training Toolkit

Resource Type: 

Case Studies, Curriculum, Educational Partnerships, Hosting and Employment, Program Development

This toolkit is designed to introduce apprenticeship training programs to the topics and frameworks that mentors have identified as challenges and that are important for mentors to address to offer a successful learning experience for their trainees. While agricultural mentors are likely experts in their field with many years of experience running an agricultural business, they still benefit from improving their skills and capacities as mentors,

Organizational Justice and Equity Self-Assessment Rubric

Resource Type: 

Program Development

This tool was created by Angela Park in collaboration with Tiffany Chan, Curt Coffing, John Reuter, Hope Rippeon, and Ed Zuckerman of the State Capacity Building Department of the League of Conservation Voters who funded its creation. It was originally created for the Conservation Voter Movement and has been adapted by Angela. We encourage organizations to use and adapt this tool; please cite its origins when doing so.

Created Equal: How Class Matters in Our Lives

Resource Type: 

Communication, Program Development

Created Equal: How Class Matters in Our Lives is a handout from the Social Equity Leadership Conference 2016, held on Thursday, June 2, 2016.  The facilitator was Shane Lloyd who received his Bachelors of Science degree in Behavioral Neuroscience from Northeastern University in Boston, Massachusetts. He completed his Master of Public Health degree at the Warren Alpert Medical School at Brown University.

PASA Diversified Vegetable Apprenticeship Job Book

Resource Type: 

Curriculum, Program Development, Registered Apprenticeships

The Pennsylvania Association for Sustainable Agriculture (PASA) conducted a DACUM (Designing and Curriculum) process to help inform the skills and competencies of their Diversified Vegetable Apprenticeship (DVA) Program. This document introduces the apprenticeship program, describes the program requirements, the mentor and apprentice qualifications required, and provides examples of their skills evaluation forms, training topics, and related technical instruction tracking forms. 

Internship Agreement 2020

Resource Type: 

Communication, Internship Programs, Program Development

The University of Maryland Institute of Applied Agriculture (UM IAA) Internship Agreement is a contract between the student, the farm where they will be interning, and the internship coordinator. This template format includes contact information, job description, learning objectives, and evaluation plan, and can be applied generally for any combination of a mentor, mentee, and mentoring organization.

Smalley Personality Inventory (Animal Personalities)

Resource Type: 

Communication, Feedback and Assessment, Program Development

The DISC Personality Assessment, created by Sage Strategies, tests provides a questionnaire to figure out which of four different types of behavior is most prominent within the test taker, and gives descriptions and insights into that personality.

They also host a free personality test on the Sage Strategies website.

Goal Setting Worksheet

Resource Type: 

Career Services, Program Development

This goal setting worksheet from the Adult Learner Handbook provides a template for determining how a goal can be carried through using the SMART goal method (specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, timely).

Mentor Candidate Tipsheet

Resource Type: 

Hosting and Employment, Program Development, Recruitment

The Dairy Grazing Apprenticeship (DGA) Candidate Tipsheet provides mentor candidates with tips for what to include in their profile, and factors to consider when looking for apprentices. This includes what information should be shared and how to make an interesting profile for apprentice applications.


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