Farm employment law can befuddle even the most sophisticated of producers. Get straight answers about what the law requires for minimum wage, overtime, workers' compensation, meal/rest breaks, OSHA, and more in this webinar. We'll be focusing on New England and New York, specifically although our discussion of federal laws applies to everyone. Farm employment law becomes especially complex for anyone doing direct-to-consumer sales, agritourism, or value-added production. We'll also address whether and how volunteer and interns/apprentice programs also need to meet the obligations of farm employment law. Although this subject can feel overwhelming (or boring), our focus is on simple action points and risk reduction strategies. Come, learn, and leave with more peace of mind about where risk lies and how to deal with it.
Hiring Employees? Farm Employment Law with Farm Commons
Wednesday, April 13, 2022
3:00pm – 4:30pm