Marketing Assistance

Learning how to market produce is just as important as learning how to grow it.

New Entry assists beginning farmers by helping them develop marketing plans prior to planting, and by inviting them to sell their produce to the New Entry Food Hub.

As a participant in the Farm Business Planning Course, you will develop a marketing plan which includes the products you plan to produce, and the markets (farmers markets, stores, restaurants, etc.) you plan to sell to. New Entry will help you put your marketing plan into action by working with you to make market contacts, connect you to insurance and food safety resources, and by providing guidance on how to sell your products to different types of customers.


One marketing option popular for beginning farmers who have taken the Farm Business Planning Course is coordination with the New Entry Food Hub. The Food Hub purchases produce from beginning farmers at a fair market price, aggregates it, and sells it to CSA (Community Supported Agriculture) members and to low-income food access partners throughout the growing season.  Farmers who choose to work with the New Entry Food Hub get exposure to the challenges of marketing and selling produce, an essential step in building a successful farm business.


For more information on selling to the New Entry Food Hub, contact Sara Davis at