New Entry's farmer library has hundreds of resources on sustainable farming, marketing, and operating a successful small business. Our physical library at our office in Beverly, MA contains books, CD's, DVD's periodicals, pamphlets, and videos in English, Spanish, Hmong, and Khmer. You can also search the directory below for downloadable digital resources, helpful web sites, and online farming videos.
Please visit or email us at if you can't find what you're looking for here. Sometimes we are out in the field, so it's best to let us know if you're planning on stopping by.
This user’s guide will help trainers introduce New American farmers to concepts and best practices for engaging direct wholesale customers at different market access points such as independent restaurants and groceries. This guide contains learning activities which can be used together for a comprehensive introduction to direct wholesale marketing or used in sections to focus specific market types.
Farmers benefit from building knowledge about often nuanced and complex farm labor legal obligations. Farmers need to know more about their employment law obligations before they can set priorities, decide on action steps and begin to take action. This fact sheet covers basic farm employment law in the District of Columbia (Washington DC): minimum wage, overtime, meal and rest breaks, workers' compensation, and unemployment insurance.
“The Trainers' Resource Guide was created for those who train beginning farmers and ranchers (BFRs). The typical training program usually has a good foundation in farm production skills, but overlooks financial literacy and business planning skills. This guide will help you add these vital skills to your training program, leading to sustainable success for your trainees' ventures.”
This is a lesson for identifying a new farmer’s English skills, particularly related to farming and selling produce. This lesson includes a series of activities to test English comprehension and speaking as well as an activity to let farmers identify the farming topics where they need more English language skills.
Sample lease agreement from Lutheran Social Services (LSS) for a parcel hosting one of their training sites for beginning farmers. Includes agreements between the program and the landowner regarding land use and various logistical provisions.
Sample land lease between Lutheran Social Services, a refugee-focused beginning farmer training program, and a landowner. Agreement delineates specific uses of property in detail and offers sample language for similar agreements.