John and Wendy Shairs

Farm Name:

Nettlenook Farm

These beautiful people began farming 8 years ago and believe wholeheartedly in the power of herbs and food as medicine. They are certified herbalists who began with practicing permaculture in their yard in Danvers, MA, utilizing the healing properties of their herbs and promoting the use of herbs to others. Together, John and Wendy created Nettlenook Farm for the restoration of land and community. They are committed to learning and trying new growing methods and crops - this season they're trying a Three Sisters Garden, a farming method central to Native American communities. The “Three Sisters'' are corn, beans, and squash. These three crops have been planted together for centuries due to their cooperative relationship. Much like the Three Sisters, John and Wendy make a great team. John says, “We don't do much of anything, not together.”

Facebook: @Nettlenook.Farm