New American Farmer Teaching Resources

These tools have brought together the best practices in the country for refugee and immigrant farmer education.”

-Nick Wuertz, Director of Refugee Community Services at Lutheran Services in Iowa

See and search the over 60 training and technical assistance (T&TA) resources (below), primarily for New American audiences and the programs that serve them. New Americans include refugees, asylees, and immigrants who are part of the current and next generation of beginning farmers in the U.S. and Canada.

This resource library is the result of a 3-year partnership between ISED Solutions and 18 beginning farmer incubators, through a Beginning Farmer and Rancher Development Program (BFRDP) Educational Enhancement initiative titled Educational Tools and Methods for Beginning Refugee & Immigrant Farmers. Our intent has been to develop and share resources that facilitate high quality instruction and hands-on assistance using a combination of carefully-designed tools and techniques. These resources can be freely downloaded and used as is, or adapted to meet the specific capacities and priorities of a specific program or setting. These teaching resources and handbook are appropriate to use with any beginning farmer audiences whose learning needs and styles vary because of education, language, literacy, and/or cultural factors. ISED expresses gratitude to all the partners who shared in the development of these resources. Individuals and organizations involved in specific resource development are identified within.

Crop Planning

This guide covers essential components of crop planning. Participants will learn how to fill out and complete a production plan, determine transplants needed, complete a seed order using the seed calculator tool, and weigh and bag direct-planted or direct-seeded crops. At the end, farmers will be prepared with all their seeds for spring and summer planting and the crop production information needed for the upcoming year. This teaching resource was developed by Transplanting Traditions in Chapel Hill, NC in partnership with the Institute for Social and Economic Development (ISED Solutions). Refugee farmer training programs across the country provided feedback on this lesson, which is now integrated throughout the guide.

Crop Planning

This series of six workshops covers a range of topics related to crop planning. Farmers will be introduced to the concepts of harvest windows, succession planting, and days to maturity. Multiple sessions help farmers learn how to use calendars and tables to plan their growing season. One session teaches participants how to handle orders from customers and restaurants, and plan cropping and harvest schedules accordingly. Most of the workshops are appropriate for beginning- to intermediate-level farmers.

Crop Planning

Production Skills

This is a resource designed to provide farmers with readily accessible, technical information and cultural practices for organic vegetable production without relying on advanced English literacy skills. This manual can be introduced in pre-season crop planning settings and subsequently used throughout the planting season. Though the practices and suggested planting dates presented are specific to our New England growing season, the icons can be easily modified to represent practices and timing suited to your farm and locale.


This is a lesson for identifying a new farmer’s English skills, particularly related to farming and selling produce. This lesson includes a series of activities to test English comprehension and speaking as well as an activity to let farmers identify the farming topics where they need more English language skills.

Teaching Methodology

This facilitator’s guide is intended to help the facilitator(s) lead a four-hour workshop for trainers or future trainers on experiential teaching techniques. Each participant receives the ‘participant’ version of this booklet, and participants and trainers move through the guides together throughout the training. This teaching resource was developed by International Rescue Committee in partnership with the Institute for Social and Economic Development (ISED Solutions). Refugee farmer training programs across the country provided feedback on this lesson, which is now integrated throughout the guide.

Record Keeping and Financial Planning

This guide is an introduction to reporting farm income for taxes. This lesson can be used as part of the larger Financial Literacy curriculum developed by All Farmers, or it can be done independently. While this lesson was designed to be two hours long, it can be done in two one-hour sessions, or activities can be used independently to suit programmatic needs. This teaching resource was developed by All Farmers in CT River Valley, MA in partnership with the Institute for Social and Economic Development (ISED Solutions). Refugee farmer training programs across the country provided feedback on this lesson, which is now integrated throughout the guide.

Farmers Market


Preparing a good farmers market stand is difficult and there are a lot of tips and tricks that New American farmers need to learn. This training gives them that, while focusing on the skills that they may not have yet to make them good salespeople. The users guide is a guide to the PowerPoint and to the activities that are used in a two to three-hour classroom session with students. This teaching resource was developed by Cultivating Community in Portland, ME in partnership with the Institute for Social and Economic Development (ISED Solutions). Refugee farmer training programs across the country provided feedback on this lesson, which is now integrated throughout the guide.

Record Keeping and Financial Planning

This user’s guide will prepare trainers to teach farmers the foundations of budgeting and record-keeping. This is the foundation module to other financial literacy modules. You will start by teaching concepts in a classroom setting, then reinforce concepts and skills throughout the season. The farm records here are set-up to match categories for Federal taxes (taught through the Farm Taxes module). This teaching resource was developed by All Farmers in CT River Valley, MA in partnership with the Institute for Social and Economic Development (ISED Solutions). Refugee farmer training programs across the country provided feedback on this lesson, which is now integrated throughout the guide.

Record Keeping and Financial Planning

This user’s guide will prepare trainers to teach farmers new ways of considering financial decisions. This lesson focuses specifically on maximizing profit by changing how farmers think about income and expense decisions. Farmers can also (optionally) learn about enterprise budgets. This lesson should ideally be used as part of the financial literacy curriculum. This teaching resource was developed by All Farmers in CT River Valley, MA in partnership with the Institute for Social and Economic Development (ISED Solutions). Refugee farmer training programs across the country provided feedback on this lesson, which is now integrated throughout the guide.

Record Keeping and Financial Planning

This is a one-hour reflection-based, hands-on workshop where most of the farmers’ learning will take place in pairs and in-response to reflection questions. This user’s guide will help trainers to lead this reflection session and how to use the reflection worksheet and PowerPoint. Cash flow is an important but sometimesdifficult concept, and is the primary focus of this lesson. This module is the last core module of the Financial Literacy curriculum, though you may choose to add an optional session on farm financing options. This teaching resource was developed by All Farmers in CT River Valley, MA in partnership with the Institute for Social and Economic Development (ISED Solutions). Refugee farmer training programs across the country provided feedback on this lesson, which is now integrated throughout the guide.
