How to Teach

Selling Your Products Presentation

Slides from a presentation by the Minnesota Project, providing best practices for presenting your product, distinguishing yourself, and educating your customers.

Annual Assessment for Farmers and Staff

A 144-point skills assessment from the New American Sustainable Agriculture Program (NASAP) in ME used to evaluate farmer progress. This simple, but comprehensive tool uses pictures and straightforward questions to find out how farmers are progressing towards meeting their learning goals.

Production Records Template


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A simple excel spreadheet that helps farmers track their production totals for individual markets and by crop. Provided by Beth LaShell at the Old Fort Market Garden Incubator in Fort Lewis, CO.

NIFTI Farm Incubator Toolkit


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The National Incubator Farm Training Initiative has compiled the knowledge and experience of dozens of farm incubator projects across the U.S. to bring you the first edition of the NIFTI Farm Incubator Toolkit; a comprehensive guide to starting and operating land-based beginning farmer training programs.

Plain Language Guide to Harvesting Your Crops

Would you like to learn about when to harvest, how to handle your crops after harvesting, and how to prepare your produce for market? This Guide to Harvesting Your Crops, written in Plain Language, will help you with harvesting and handling:

  • Onion Crops
  • Cruciferous Vegetables
  • Roots and Tubers
  • Beans and Peas
  • Herbs
  • Pumpkin Squash Blossoms
  • Pumpkins and Winter Squash


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