PDF curriculum guide for trainers of pre-literate farmers. Geared towards Hmong farmers, but can be easily adapted. Curriculum contains several lessons, topics include: farm management, resource evaluation, sustainable crop production, soil managment, integrated pest and weed management, equipment usage, irrigation and sustainable livestock and poultry production. North East Region. English Level: advanced. Farming Level: beginning. Literacy Level: advanced. Key Words: sustainable pratices, pest management.
How to Teach
Whole Farm Management for Hmong Farmers
Chart Decision Making - Guidance for Farmer's Decisions
Chart outlining various factors that impact individual farmer decision making. All regions. English Level: Advanced. Farming Level: Beginning. Literacy Level: High. Keywords: planning, marketing, production, management
Training Pre-Illiterate Refugee Farmers in Marketing Skills
Word document class outline for trainers to teachmarketing skills to pre-literate refugees. Specifically designed for a pre-literate population, this class uses many interactive activities and games. Focuses on marketing at farmers markets. Easily adaptable to other literacy levels. All Regions. English Level: advanced. Farming Level: beginning. Literacy Level: advanced. Key words: marketing, farmers markets, ESOL teaching.
Pest ID class - 2 of 2
Word document class outline pertaining to common pests and practicing identification. Class includes game to identify common pests and test farmer knowledge. All regions. English Level: Beginning. Farming Level: beginning. Literacy Level: Pre.
Growing healthy plants class - 1 of 2
Class facilitator outline for “Growing Healthy Plants,” to be paired with Growing Healthy plants class - 2 of 2. Covers basics of plant nutrition and walks through an example of radish growing. Northeast region but transferable. English Level: Advanced. Farming Level: Beginning. Literacy Level: High.
Operations Manual
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PDF operations manual for farmers involved in the Prairie Farms program. Includes topics such as farmer responsibilities, land and equipment usage, resources, code of conduct, schedules and billing information. Very specific to Prairie Farms but ouline can be helpful to other incubator projects. All Regions. English Level: advanced. Farming Level: all. Literacy Level: advanced. Key Words: organizational resource, administration.
Business Plan Checklist
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Word document checklist for farmers to assess the completeness of a developed business plan. All regions. English Level: Advanced. Farming Level: Beginner. Literacy Level: High. Keywords: Business plan, market, marketing, product, competition, sales, operations, personnel, management, financial
NLF Participant Performance Evaluation
Excel doc for trainers used to evaluate performance of farmers in the context of an incubator farm program. Evaluation covers various topics, some include payments and fees, food safety, equipment use and pest management. All Regions. English Level: advanced. Farming Level: beginning. Literacy Level: advanced. Key Words: organizational planning, evaulation, administration.
LSS New Lands Farm Program Expectations for Participants
Word document for an organization stating expectations for participants. Includes pricing structure, progression chart and other broad expections for participants. Specific to New Lands Farm but easily adaptable. All Regions. English Level: advanced. Farming Level: beginning. Literacy Level: advanced. Key Words: expectations, organizational planning.
Asian Vegetable Guide
PDF Booklet introducing farmers to common Asian crops. Includes pictures, history, common uses, and sample recipes for each crop. All regions. English Level: Advanced. Farming Level: Beginner. Literacy Level: High. Keywords: asian vegetables, recipes, cultural sensitivity, amaranth, bok choy, chinese broccoli, celery, chrysanthemum, garlic chives, mustard greens, napa cabbage, pea tendrils, taro leaves, yau choy, water spinach, asian basil, cilantro, lemongrass, asian cucumber, bitter melon, fuzzy melon, asian squash, daikon radish, japanese eggplant, kermit eggplant, pumpkin blossoms, thai hot peppers, yard long beans