Site Management

Sample land lease agreement

Sample land lease agreement from Cultivating Community's NASAP program, which coordinates a farm training program that serves recent immigrant farmers in the greater Lewiston and Portland, Maine areas.

Massachusetts Farmland Guide

A plain language guide from New Entry that is written for beginning farmers who are looking for land to start a farm business. Includes resources to help farmers locate and secure farmland through a variety of purchasing options.

Site Management IRC presentation

Presentation slides from the International Rescue Committee (IRC) that tells the story of New Roots, which operates 4 incubator farms throughout the country. Presentation explains concepts of cultivating human diversity, neighborhood relations, embracing all perspectives, accountability, and community owned space.

How to Build a Low-cost Cooler (Spanish version)

This video demonstrates the process of building a low-cost farm cooler, and is a great accompaniment to hands-on workshops. Dubbed in Spanish, it is one of three educational videos produced by the Spring Rose Growers Cooperative based in Madison, Wisconsin made possible with funds from the USDA Small Socially Disadvantaged Producer Grant.

Building a Low-Cost Cooler and Pack Shed


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Handout that provides an overview of how to build your own pack-shed and walk-in cooler for a diversified vegetable/fruit farm. Based on a workshop held at the Farley Center's farm incubator.

2013 Equipment Rates


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2013 rental rates for land, water access, water rate, land management fee, propane, greenhouse lot, cooler pallets, hay barn basement, loft space, farmer barn access, cooler space, corn crib

Production Records Template


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A simple excel spreadheet that helps farmers track their production totals for individual markets and by crop. Provided by Beth LaShell at the Old Fort Market Garden Incubator in Fort Lewis, CO.

NIFTI Farm Incubator Toolkit


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The National Incubator Farm Training Initiative has compiled the knowledge and experience of dozens of farm incubator projects across the U.S. to bring you the first edition of the NIFTI Farm Incubator Toolkit; a comprehensive guide to starting and operating land-based beginning farmer training programs.


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