Community Food Projects Webinars

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Making Sustainable Group Decisions

September 20, 2019

Making project decisions can be difficult to be begin with, but add the complexity of multiple stakeholders to the picture and coming to an inclusive decision can seem near impossible. Community Food Projects, which involve multiple organizations and community members, can benefit from clear decision-making procedures that are built on a realistic understanding of how this process can work. This webinar will take look at how groups come to agreement, why members disagree, and discuss examples of ways to foster full participation, ensure mutual understanding, and build shared responsibility to facilitate inclusive solutions and move forward.

Aley Kent, Technical Advisor for Food Security and Agriculture for the International Rescue Committee’s US Program, has almost 20 years of experience in participatory program development and evaluation, and specializes in building awareness around and tools for working with local communities and organizations in more responsive and collaborative ways. Her efforts boost frontline staff capacity to address power dynamics, build stronger community leadership and management skills, and promote local ownership and control.

Click here to view video

Farm Bill Update for CFP and BFRDP Applicants and Grantees

December 4, 2018

What’s the latest status of the Farm Bill? What does this mean for USDA grant programs like Community Food Projects (CFP) and Beginning Farmer Rancher Development Program (BFRDP)? New Entry Sustainable Farming Project is hosting a webinar with our partners, Consultant Allison Goin and Juli Obudzinski of the National Sustainable Agriculture Coalition. Juli will help provide some insight and updates on the Farm Bill and suggestions for work we can each be doing locally to ensure a quality Farm Bill gets passed. Allison will provide helpful tips for next steps for your applications during this time. 

CFP: Facilitating Participation and Partnerships

May 15, 2018

Working in partnership is often promoted, but individual achievement is what tends to be rewarded in our society, and we generally don’t get a lot of training in how to work with others after we graduate Kindergarten. Strong partnerships are key elements of success for Community Food Projects, and managing complex teams requires facilitation know-how. This webinar will feature facilitation skills and meeting methods that will help to foster shared awareness, collective analysis, and full participation that enable productive and lasting partnerships. Conducted by Aley Kent, Technical Advisor Food & Agriculture, International Rescue Committee | US Programs.


New Grantees: CFP Indicators of Success and Reporting

February 20, 2018

This webinar is geared toward new CFP grantees. The webinar will be presented by New Entry staff and will focus on the Indicators of Success, a survey that all grantees are required to submit annually. We'll cover the 6 components of Whole Measures for Community Food Systems, which we use to evaluate the collective impact of Community Food Projects. There will be time for Q&A on the IOS and general CFP reporting.

CFP Evaluation

November 20, 2017

This CFP webinar covers how evaluation planning is woven throughout the following proposal components: Sections of the CFP narrative and how to strategically present a compelling and fundable project idea; How to construct a logic model that effectively explains the project and the connections between goals, objectives, activities, and outcomes; Tips on what to include and not include in your proposal.

Presented by Rebecca Dunning, PhD, Research Assistant Professor, Department of Horticulture, North Carolina State University and the Center for Environmental Farming Systems. Rebecca specializes in the social and economic aspects of food systems and food supply chains, and has served as a PI, Co-PI, and reviewer on multiple USDA grant programs.


USDA NIFA's Community Food Projects Grantsmanship Webinar for FY2018 - Recording (requires Adobe Connect)

Click here to view the webinar. This webinar was presented by USDA Institute of Food Safety and Nutrition on October 16, 2017.

The goals of the webinar are to:
Preparing a proposal for a Competitive Grant Program
Think like a panelist when drafting and editing your proposal

CFP Application Process & Overview

October 25, 2017

Hosted by New Entry staff. Topics covered: Registering with and appointing contacts; the application package; important sections of the grant application forms; the grant Budget form; which documents to upload to the package; which attachments to include; the proposal narrative; the post-submission process; Workspace vs the Legacy form; and other relevant resources and guides to help you as you prepare your application.


Introduction to the Community Food Projects Competitive Grant Program

August 23, 2017

Understanding Logic Models for Community Food Projects

July 13, 2017

Building and Maintaining Strong Partnerships

May 2, 2017


Community Food Projects Application Process

October 20, 2016


Introduction to Community Food Projects Grant Program

August 4, 2016


Leadership Development

July 21, 2016

This webinar is on leadership development focused on incubator farms and community food projects. Our presenters will talk about the theoretical underpinnings of developing strong leaders within your organization and community, as well as share an example of a successful program.

Robbie Hertneky, PhD Chair and Associate Professor, Antioch University New England. Robbie brings her interests in mindfulness, leadership development, and personal and professional leadership identity to her role as Chair of the Department of Management and Associate Professor in the MBA in Sustainability Program. Her doctoral studies, teaching, and scholarship are in the field of leadership and change; in her teaching she focuses on the application of theory to practice.

Kelly Owensby, Director, Transplanting Traditions Community Farm. Transplanting Tradition's mission is to provide refugee adults and youth access to land, healthy food and agricultural and entrepreneurial opportunities. The farm provides a cultural community space for families to come together, build healthy communities and continue agricultural traditions in the Piedmont of N.C.

Enterprising Nonprofits

February 23, 2016

Webinar Overview

Join this webinar to hear from Altruist Partners for an introduction to the major concepts of how nonprofits are functioning like social enterprises. Attendees will learn how nonprofits of all sizes are using three major management tools to optimize their programs, people, plans, and revenue.

  • A Business Plan that describes goals, strategies, and key metrics and a 5-year financial projection;
  • A Revenue Pipeline that maximizes revenue from all possible funding domains (individuals, foundations, corporations, government agencies and earned income); and
  • A Dashboard that provides a 1-page snapshot of the business plan progress, along with key financial and revenue indicators.

Altruist Partners helps nonprofits transform into powerful social enterprises. We partner with funders and work side-by-side with clients to create high-performing, high-growth organizations delivering effective solutions at the necessary scale. Our clients range from startups and small community organizations to leading regional, national and global nonprofits. All have one thing in common: they seek not just to survive, but to solve the problems they address.

Presenters:  Donald Summers, Managing Director at Altruist Partners; Chris Longston, Partner at Altruist Partners


Evaluation for Community Food Projects

October 28, 2015

Whole Measures for Community Food Projects

July 23, 2015

Webinar Overview
This webinar will introduce Whole Measure for Community Food Systems (WM CFS), a values-based, community-oriented tool for planning and evaluation of Community Food Projects. We will talk about how CFP grantees can utilize the Whole Measures CFS frame for their annual Indicators of Success reporting, a collective impact report for all CFPs, as well as a tool for community organizing. We will also look at examples of how previous CFP grantees have implemented a Whole Measures CFS process. This will be an introductory webinar geared towards existing CFP grantees, and prospective grantees. Our presenter will be Jeanette Abi-Nader of the City Schoolyard Garden and formerly of the Community Food Security Coalition. Jeanette was a member of the working group that created the Whole Measures for Community Food Systems tool.

Jeanette Abi-Nader, Executive Director, City Schoolyard Garden

Sustaining your Program after Community Food Projects Funding

July 14, 2015

Webinar Overview
This webinar will discuss challenges and strategies for sustaining a program after your initial funding has finished. The presenters, Chris Brown of Agriculture and Land Based Training and Jennifer Hashley of New Entry Sustainable Farming Project, will each speak about experiences from their own organizations. They will address challenges they have faced with sustaining a program, and lessons they have learned from the process.

Jennifer Hashley, Director of New Entry Sustainable Farming Project
Chris Brown, Executive Director of Agriculture and Land Based Training (ALBA)

Logic Models as a Comprehensive Tool for Attaining Programmatic Success

June 24, 2015

Webinar Overview
A logic model is a picture of how your organization does its work, and it expresses a hypothesis about how you will achieve desired programmatic outcomes.

In this webinar, we will cover the basics of creating logic models. We will also discuss how these visual tools can be used to help you achieve not only fundraising success, but also consensus among your community of stakeholders, a design and an implementation plan for your program, and an evaluation model that can support your organization’s future success.

Lesley Heiser, Communications and Development Leader of Cultivating Community
Craig Lapine, Executive Director of Cultivating Community

Planning & Community Engagement Strategies

June 2, 2015

Webinar Overview
Strong project planning and community engagement are key elements of success for the Community Food Projects grant program. This workshop will focus on the process and strategies to engage with community partners and collaboratively plan collective work. We will look at language and theory of change to cover why these elements help ground collaborative efforts and also share various community meeting tools for asset-based community assessments as well as tools for collective visioning.

Aley Kent, Technical Advisor, Food & Agriculture of International Rescue Committee
Tes Thraves, Youth and Community-based Food Systems Coordinator of Center for Environmental Farming Systems.