Business Planning

New Entry 2020 Food Hub Annual Report


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New Entry Food Hub provides market access to beginning farmers, market-based training, and produce aggregation and distribution services to a broad array of consumers.  We operate a Community Supported Agriculture program, food access programs for food insecure families and individuals, and donate produce to food banks and pantries, transitional living centers, and other social service agencies.  Learn more about our 2020 Food Hub operations and impact - COVID-19 had an outsized impact on access to quality food and our farmers stepped up and met the need!

Plain Language Guide to Finding, Assessing, and Securing Farmland in MA

In this Guide to Finding, Assessing, and Securing Farmland in Massachusetts, written in Plain Language, you will learn about:

•Determining the right kind of farmland for you
•Deciding what type of land tenure situation is right for you
•Starting the networking process
•Conducting farmland site visits
•Understanding your land by using the Web Soil Survey and other online information tools
•Negotiating with landowners and signing an agreement to use the land
•Beginning to farm your land!

2.25.25 // 2:00pm to 4:00pm

High Tunnel Tour at Farmer Dave’s

Join us for a hands-on farm tour with Farmer Dave, showcasing his extensive experience in covered production to manage risks and extend his growing season. Explore his unique high tunnel setups, including buried radiant heat and diverse crop rotations, and learn firsthand how Dave harvests year-round, including winter crops like radishes, baby greens, and herbs. This tour offers valuable insights for farmers looking to enhance their own undercover growing practices.

Una Guía para Emprendedores Agrícolas en Massachusetts Recursos, Consejos y Regulaciones

Una Guía para Emprendedores Agrícolas en Massachusetts Recursos, Consejos y Regulaciones

Esta guía es un recurso diseñado para acompañar a agricultores actuales y futuros en cada paso del desarrollo y gestión de sus negocios agrícolas. Desde la educación inicial hasta el acceso a mercados, la guía ofrece herramientas prácticas y conocimientos esenciales para establecer y mantener operaciones agrícolas exitosas, sostenibles y resilientes. 

La guía inicia con una exploración de recursos educativos diseñados para ayudar a los agricultores a desarrollar habilidades esenciales, seguida de estrategias prácticas para identificar terrenos adecuados y construir la infraestructura nece

saria. También aborda temas fundamentales como el acceso a financiamiento, la gestión de riesgos y la contratación de seguros, proporcionando una base sólida para el desarrollo de negocios agrícolas. Además, se destacan las normativas ambientales, la sostenibilidad y el cumplimiento legal, ofreciendo información detallada sobre el manejo responsable de pesticidas, la regulación de vehículos agrícolas y la mitigación del impacto ambiental, promoviendo prácticas agrícolas responsables y sostenibles. 

En el área empresarial, se abordan la planificación estratégica, la gestión financiera y el manejo de registros, así como temas fiscales, fijación de precios y desarrollo de mercados especializados para aumentar la rentabilidad de

 los productos agrícolas. 

Finalmente, el material ofrece recursos valiosos sobre oportunidades de subvenciones, el papel de la mujer en la agricultura, y estrategias para enfrentar el cambio climático. Con esta guía, los agricultores estarán mejor preparados para maximizar sus oportunidades y adaptarse a los desafíos del sector. 

Este material se basa en el trabajo respaldado por el USDA/NIFA con número de adjudicación A0212501X443G006, subrayando el compromiso de brindar apoyo a la comunidad agrícola y fortalecer los sistemas alimentarios.

12.10.24 // 6:00pm to 8:00pm

The Finances of High Tunnel Production Workshop!

Join our virtual workshop on Enterprise Budgeting and Record-Keeping for High Tunnel Production! Led by Jesse Wright from UNH Cooperative Extension, this session will help you track yields, manage costs, and make data-driven decisions to boost your farm's resilience and profitability.

11.14.24 // 6:00pm to 7:00pm

Starting a Value-Added Food Business: An Introductory Workshop!

This workshop will introduce the self-paced course "Starting a Value-Added Local Food Enterprise." The course covers all aspects of launching a value-added business, from understanding what qualifies as a "value-added" product to product development, marketing strategies, and enterprise management, equipping participants with the tools to successfully grow their farm operation.

1.14.25 // 6:00pm to 3.4.25 // 8:30pm

Farm Business Planning Course (Winter Session)

The course meets online on Tuesdays from 6pm to 8:30pm Eastern Standard Time for 8 consecutive weeks. Each evening session is filled with information and activities that will help you write your farm business plan. The Farm Business Planning course is designed to help you create a written plan to start or expand your farm business.

How to Start Farming: building a farm from guide


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This guide is for aspiring and established farmers to learn how to build a farm from scratch. 

Puedes acceder a la versión en español de esta guía aquí.


Organized into a series of independent Fact Sheets, this guide allows you to explore topics as needed or follow along as a complete resource, content Includes:

  • Getting Started: Learn about farming education, finding a suitable farm, and essential infrastructure.
  • Financing and Risk Management: Explore options for financing farm operations, managing risks, and understanding insurance needs.
  • Regulatory Landscape: Navigate farm vehicle regulations, environmental rules, and pesticide regulations.
  • Business Essentials: Delve into business planning, structures, budgeting, record-keeping, and tax considerations.
  • Marketing Strategies: Understand market potential, pricing, marketing options, and regulations. Discover opportunities for small-scale food processing and organic certification.
  • Additional Resources: Access information on grant opportunities, women in agriculture, climate change impacts, and a pocket resource guide.

Each section is designed to provide actionable information and guidance, helping you cultivate success in your farming endeavors.


6.21.24 // 1:00pm to 2:00pm

FIELD Network - Monthly Networking Session - From Incubator to Direct Farm Service

Join the New Entry Sustainable Farming Project and the FIELD Network for our Monthly Networking Session! Connect with staff of land-based farm incubator and apprenticeship training programs! Share challenges faced by land-based training programs supporting a diversity of beginning farmers and brainstorm ideas, solutions, and shared resources. Network in breakout groups to mix and mingle with other incubator farm program staff and apprenticeship staff across the country to connect and share project updates!

4.23.24 // 6:00pm to 7:30pm

Land Access for New Farmers in Massachusetts: A Farmer Learning Circle!

Opening Doors to New Farmers: Navigating Land Access Together!


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