
7.16.24 // 5:30pm to 9.10.24 // 7:00pm

Online Crop Production Course

This 9-week online course covers essential topics related to sustainable crop production, enabling participants to grow food while caring for the soil at the farm or in the garden. Participants and instructors meet online every Tuesday evening from 5:30pm to 7:00pm EST for 9 weeks, starting July 16th. In addition to meeting together online once a week, participants will be given access to a healthy amount of additional educational material in a variety of media to be enjoyed at one's leisure. All class sessions will be recorded and made available to participants. Also, students will have access to one-on-one technical assistance from New Entry staff.

4.30.24 // 5:30pm to 7:00pm

Crop Production Course

This 9-week online course covers essential topics related to sustainable crop production, enabling participants to grow food while caring for the soil at the farm or in the garden.

7.12.23 // 5:30pm to 7:00pm

Crop Production Course - Online

Are you interested in starting your own farm business but need to learn technical skills to get started, the Crop Production Course is for you! This 8-week online course covers essential topics related to sustainable crop production, enabling participants to grow food while caring for the soil at the farm or in the garden.

Micro-producer Academy: Clean and Healthy Harvest


  • Digital Download

This is module 6 in a series of 8 modules in the International Rescue Committee's Micro-producer academy. This modules introduces farmers to post-harvest handling and food safety and farm rules, to maximize food quality and safety. Farmers will demonstrate Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) for market harvest days and will be able to identify what crops need and need not be cooled upon harvest. This teaching resource was developed by International Rescue Committee in partnership with the Institute for Social and Economic Development (ISED Solutions). Refugee farmer training programs across the country provided feedback on this lesson, which is now integrated throughout the guide.

Wash Station Signs


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The What to Wash and What Not to Wash signs are visual aides to assist farmers at the wash station in order to recognize which vegetables should be washed in water and those that should not be washed with water. This resource can be used by staff as a guide to teach farmers during a workshop on post-harvest handling, but then will stand alone as a large sign in a farm wash station area. Staff will use hands-on demonstration to show farmers how to utilize the wash station and follow food safety procedure; this is one piece of that education.

Harvest and Post-Harvest Handling Standard Operating Procedures


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This workshop gives the trainer an opportunity to explain what a Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) is and walks through an SOP for when to wash your hands, how to wash your hands, and what produce to wash. It also introduces some common vocabulary around the wash station so that farmers and trainers can start to use the same language. The workshop goes on to set up a common harvest and post-harvest handling SOP for greens and for roots, which then can be hung up in the wash station to remind farmers of the proper SOP to follow.

Post-Harvest Handling


  • Digital Download

Farmers will learn why it is important to use correct post-harvest handling techniques with different vegetables. They will learn about temperature, hydration and the proper tools and equipment for post-harvest handling. A post-harvest handling grid handout will be taught to reinforce and extend learning beyond the lesson. This teaching resource was developed by Transplanting Traditions in Chapel Hill, NC in partnership with the Institute for Social and Economic Development (ISED Solutions). Refugee farmer training programs across the country provided feedback on this lesson, which is now integrated throughout the guide.

Growing healthy tomatoes class - 2 of 2

Powerpoint presentation for farmers of tomato production. Includes common diseases, strategies for pest and disease management, different tomato varieties, and production. Paired with Growing Healthy Tomatoes Class - 1 of 2 outline. All regions. English level: Beginner. Farming level: Beginner. Literacy level: Pre. Keywords: tomato, cherry tomato, sauce tomato, heirloom tomato, seeding, germination, vegetable production, transplant

Crop by Crop Discussion Topics

Word document class outline for production discussion about crops.  Could be used by facilitator or given directly to farmers. Discussion includes topics about where, how, when to plant, how to maintain, and harvesting techniques.  Needs supporting pictures or powerpoint.  Also includes a blank planting calendar.  All regions. English Level: Advanced. Farming level: beginning.  Literacy Level: Advanced. Key Words: discussion, crop planning.

Going to the Farmer's Market

Powerpoint presentation for farmers on how to prepare for the market.  Includes information about how/when to process vegetables, what supplies are needed at the market and basic information about taking EBT and WIC coupons.  All Regions.  English Level: Emerging.  Farming Level: Beginning. LIteracy Level: Moderate/Semi. Key Words: farmer's market, EBT, WIC, marketing, harvesting.


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