Pest Management

Bean Pests


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Shell beans are an important crop to farmers, but (and because of how much they are grown) they face significant pest pressure on the farm. We worked with our local extension agent to put together accurate, useful, and accessible organic management options for the two most important pests on our farm: Mexican bean beetle and leaf hopper.

Introduction to Integrated Pest Management


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This field or classroom workshop will introduce farmers to the principles of integrated pest management, with a focus on identification and options for management practices. The lesson is based around a resource we created called “Pest Management in the Garden,” which is printed in a large format (approximately 4’x 6’) and mounted outdoors at each of our farm/garden sites.

Zucchini Pest Management


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This is a slide show that introduces three insect pests and one disease which singly or together can destroy a zucchini crop (striped cucumber beetle, squash bug, squash vine borer, and powdery mildew). Trap crops and rogueing are suggested as control method strategies. Slides can be printed (and laminated) for field instruction.

Imported Cabbage Moth


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This is a short (9 slides) lesson on how and why to identify imported cabbageworms, with two control methods suggested for organic growers.

5.20.17 // 10:00am to 12:00pm

Weed and Pest Management Field Workshop

2 hour free workshop on pest and weed management

Pest ID class - 1 of 2

Word document class outline pertaining to common pests and practicing identification.  Class includes game to identify common pests and test farmer knowledge.  All regions. English Level: Beginning. Farming Level: beginning. Literacy Level: Pre.

Growing healthy tomatoes class - 2 of 2

Powerpoint presentation for farmers of tomato production. Includes common diseases, strategies for pest and disease management, different tomato varieties, and production. Paired with Growing Healthy Tomatoes Class - 1 of 2 outline. All regions. English level: Beginner. Farming level: Beginner. Literacy level: Pre. Keywords: tomato, cherry tomato, sauce tomato, heirloom tomato, seeding, germination, vegetable production, transplant

Whole Farm Management for Hmong Farmers

PDF curriculum guide for trainers of pre-literate farmers.  Geared towards Hmong farmers, but can be easily adapted.  Curriculum contains several lessons, topics include: farm management, resource evaluation, sustainable crop production, soil managment, integrated pest and weed management, equipment usage, irrigation and sustainable livestock and poultry production.  North East Region. English Level: advanced. Farming Level: beginning. Literacy Level: advanced. Key Words: sustainable pratices, pest management.

Pest ID class - 2 of 2

Word document class outline pertaining to common pests and practicing identification.  Class includes game to identify common pests and test farmer knowledge.  All regions. English Level: Beginning. Farming Level: beginning. Literacy Level: Pre.

Good Bug Bad Bug

Powerpoint presentation for farmers on how to identify and control for different good and bad bugs.  North East.  English Level: Beginning. Farming Level: Beginning.  Literacy Level: low/moderate.  Key Words: pests, beneficials.


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