
The actual Organic Certificate from Baystate Organic Certifiers

7.23.19 // It's official

New Entry receives USDA Organic Certification

We were already holding ourselves to organic farming guidelines, but we pursued certification in order to understand the process inside and out and provide better assistance to farmers.

Historic Moraine Farm was designed by renowned land architect Frederick Olmsted.

7.8.19 // You're invited

Open Farm Day Aug. 10. This is your chance to come see our new home!

Our 12th Annual Open Farm Day will give you a chance to tour the farm and food hub operations, meet our farmers and staff, and experience our incubator farmers market.

3.11.19 // Marissa Patterson

Happy AmeriCorps Week!

Introducing a new project in honor of AmeriCorps Week! Soon, we will be featuring awesome people from our network on our website. Learn more about what our TerraCorps member is up to!


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