Update: Food and Farm License Plate

Friday, September 26, 2014 // Staff

We're launching a new special license plate to benefit Massachusetts food and farmers, and you can sign up now to reserve one of your own! Proceeds (tax-deductible for you, by the way) will support New Entry, Mass Farmers Markets, and the Beginning Farmer Network of Massachusetts - but it will only happen if we collect 1,500 registrations. As of this posting, we're over a third of the way there - but it gets harder from here.

So, how can you help?

1. If you haven't already, sign up your car, your farm truck, whatever you can! (Alas, tractors don't qualify.) To reserve your plate or to learn more about what's involved, visit: www.mafoodplate.org.

2. If you've already signed up, or if you don't have a vehicle to register in the first place, you can help us for free by helping to spread the word. Besides talking it up to friends, family, coworkers, and random people on the street, you can also:
