After looking at a lot of mud, it's feeling great to see the shades of green start to take over the fields as the plantings take root and begin to thrive. Our incubator farmers are hard at work cultivating their crops according to crop plans and projections for this season's markets and CSA. Our New Entry Food Hub's 2019 CSA season kicks off June 18. Do you have your membership yet?
Numerous sites around Boston will receive weekly deliveries of freshly picked fruits and vegetables grown by our incubator farmers, our program graduatres, and other local farmers in Eastern Massachusetts. Besides providing a mechanism for our beginner farmers that helps them learn how to bring their crops to market, our CSA membership enable hundreds of individuals and families around Boston each week get better access to fresh, local food. With these donations every week to senior centers, food pantries, and shelters, we help close the economic food gap and support our local food system along the way.
The community supported agriculture model is a sustainable, fair trade alternative for consumers of food. Every week you'll get a smattering of the harvest, which will include such items as baby salad greens, snap peas, radishes, herbs, honey, and other treats picked from the farm at that time. By purchasing your share in the Spring, your local farmers can then invest in their farms and strengthen their communities' access to fresh food.
Click here to find the site nearest you.