Baked Quinoa & Oatmeal with Pears
A hearty breakfast casserole with fruit & nuts.
The common pear is native to Europe; the Chinese sand pear is native to the Orient. Both species are extensively cultivated for their fruit in cool, humid, temperate regions throughout the world. Asian pears are crunchier and often sweeter than their American counterparts. Originally grown in Russia's Caucasus Mountains, pears spread over time to locales as diverse as China, Chile, South Africa, France, Argentina and Australia, as well as the United States.
Pears should be washed and eaten whole or cut around the core. The pear's skin contains fiber and antioxidants and should be eaten along with the flesh.
Pears ripen best at room temperature. If you want to keep them a few days you have to keep them in a dark and cold place. If you want to hasten ripening, place under-ripe pears in a fruit bowl at room temperature near other ripening fruit like bananas, which naturally give off ethylene and will help speed up the ripening process.