Indian Spiced Pumpkin
Fresh ginger and tumeric add complex flavor to this simple dish.
Also known as Japanese Squash or Baby Red Hubbard squash, red kuri squash is red-orange pumpkin shaped squash. Native to Japan, its finely textured flesh is sweet in flavor. Like many winter squashes, red kuri is wonderful pureed and cooked in soups and stews. It can be used as a substitute for sweet potatoes in many recipes. As you may presume from its rich orange flesh, red kuri is a good source of vitamins A and C, potassium and iron.
When peeling winter squash, it is much easier to remove it after it has been baked. The roasting process of the squash allows the skin to lift off in the oven. Otherwise, the process can be quite difficult and tedious. If peeling before baking is necessary for your recipe, a sharp potato peeler should do the trick, but may yield less squash than the former method.
Winter Squashes have a light, sweet, slightly nutty flavor and can be added to almost any recipe. Adding certain spices can change the taste of your squash to one that coincides with the taste of your main dish. Winter squash is a versatile cucurbit that can be used for soups, smoothies, stuffed in mushrooms, or a simple side dish.
If you are interested in saving the seeds, you can prepare them in the same way you would prepare pumpkin seeds. After cleaning them with water, these seeds are best when tossed with a little bit of oil and seasoning. Feel free to use salt, or even spice it up with some chili powder, or wasabi powder. These seeds can be eaten after they’re cooked, but are also a clever garnish for winter squash recipes.
Handling: The most difficult thing about winter squash is peeling it -even smooth-skinned varieties, such as butternut, can defeat many peelers. For acorn and other bumpy squash, you have no choice but to cook with the skin still on.
Storing: Winter squash will last 3-6 months stored at room temperature in a dry and cool (50-55 degrees) but not cold location.
Freezing: Cook the squash until soft, scoop out the flesh, pack in freezer containers, label, and place in the freezer.