Summer Squash


General Information

Squash can be either winter squash (such as butternut or acorn) or summer squash (like zucchini, cousa, or zephyr).  Both types of squash work well in breads and muffins.  Squash is native to the Americas.  Remains have been found in Central America and Mexico dating back as far as 7000 BC.  From its southern origin, squash spread throughout North America.  The plant found its way to Europe when the early explorers returned home.

Health Benefits

Summer squash is rich in the carotenoids beta carotene and lutein. Carotenoids are integral to eye health, and not only improve night vision, but also decrease the risk of macular degeneration and cataracts. In addition to a wide variety of other nutrients, summer squash is full of fiber, which improves colon health and decreases the risk of certain cancers.

Storing & Cooking Information

Handling: Summer squash skins are easily cut -be careful what you place it next to. Don't cook it too long, or it will fall apart.

Storing: Summer squash dehydrates quickly, so store it in a plastic bag in the fridge.  Damaged ones will deteriorate quickly.  Use them within a week.

Freezing:   Only young summer squash with small seeds can freeze.  Cut off blossom and stem ends.  Wash and cut in slices.  Blanch 3 minutes.  Cool and drain.  Leave ½ inch headroom.  Seal and freeze.

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